"God is rest, and where He dwells is stillness."
-Freda Hanbury Allen

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Our Need - His Invitation

 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened..." Matthew 11:28

        We are a needy people. There are all sorts of ways we try to cover it, camouflage it, push it into the background, but we can't escape it. When it rises up like bile, and cuts like shards of glass, there's no denying it. Need wraps around us like a vice. We strain and struggle desperate for victory, longing for freedom from ourselves, from our sin, from all that relentlessly afflicts us.
        Need doesn't seem to bring rest or allow stillness - at least when looking on the surface of things. It exhausts us and makes our hearts bleed and our heads spin. We just want it to stop so we can catch our breath. But it doesn't. It seems endless, bottomless-pit endless. But what if this is by design?
        By design...meaning there is order in the disorder, purpose behind the pointless, intention beneath the random, beauty in clashing patterns, and yes, rest in the chaos. Rest. The word feels like hope, like a promise, like a precious gift in humble wrapping. If we are willing to look beneath, peek behind, peel back the unsightly wrapping of our desperate, endless need there is The Gift...The Promise. He meets us there; inviting us, whispering through it all, "Come. Rest."
        There is a quiet place  where we are embraced by the gentle heart of the great Designer. It is here that we see the eternal beauty and purpose of our relentless need. In His stillness we recognize our need for what it is - the invitation. "Come." A sacred invitation, beckoning us deeper into Himself - his indescribable beauty, his infinite love, his endless power and eternal provision. "Come...and you will find rest for your souls."

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