"God is rest, and where He dwells is stillness."
-Freda Hanbury Allen

Monday, December 8, 2014

Our Hovering God

"...and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters."  Genesis 1:2b

        Our God hovers. We tend not to picture him this way, but it's true. Our magnificent, all-powerful creator God - hovers. He hovers because he sees what we cannot.  He hovers because he knows what we can't possibly know. He hovers because from the very beginning he has been anxious to create and make new - new things, new people. 
        Inherent in hovering is waiting. God, who is perfect in strength and power; God, who created time itself, had to wait by his own design. He hovered for millennia upon millennia waiting until the perfect, mysterious moment when he brought eternity into time. Our loving God hovered over, "overshadowed" a humble, peasant woman - who to the world was nothing and had nothing...she was formless and void. But God saw. He knew. He hovered. And in the mystery brought forth what no man would or could have ever fathomed: Eternal God come in the flesh and bones of man. Fully God. Fully Man. The Broken One who would mend. The Dead One who would rise. The Risen One who reigns. The One who would send his Spirit to hover, to live in, to dwell, to make new.
        Over our brokenness, over our formless, empty lives the Spirit of God is hovering. He is eagerly anticipating, ecstatic at the thought of who we'll be when his infinitely beautiful, creative work is done. He can see it. He knows. We wait, while he hovers. We seek, while he hovers. We groan, while he hovers. We hope, all the while he is hovering - speaking form and fullness into our lives until, at just the right moment time and eternity meet again. 
        Our God hovers. He is eager, yet so very long-suffering, because he sees. Because he knows. Because he is still creating and making new until all things are made brand new.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! What a beautiful thought - God's Spirit Hovering over us.
